Mostly pandas and matplotlib tricks.
- Create small-multiples charts from scratch in Matplotlib (Nov 7, 2022) matplotlib, tutorial
- Creating colormaps in matplotlib (Aug 2, 2022) cheatsheet, matplotlib
- Customizing the legend (Sep 27, 2022) matplotlib
- Dealing with messy CSVs (Sep 16, 2022) pandas
- Generate dictionaries from dataframes (Sep 16, 2022) pandas
- Generating random days between two dates (Jul 30, 2022) cheatsheet, pandas
- How to draw things in figure coordinates in MPL using IPython/Jupyter (Nov 26, 2022) matplotlib, jupyter
- Installing geopandas on Windows (May 26, 2023) pandas, geodata
- Saving a chart as a numpy array and warping it using skimage (Aug 3, 2022) cheatsheet, matplotlib, numpy
- Skipping empty csv rows (Aug 4, 2022) cheatsheet, pandas
- Tick formatting recipes (Sep 21, 2022) matplotlib
- Using fontprops (Sep 27, 2022) matplotlib
- Various Matplotlib resources (Aug 4, 2022) matplotlib
- Various Pandas resources (Aug 4, 2022) pandas
- Watermarks, footnotes and other annotations (Sep 27, 2022) matplotlib
- Weekday names in pandas (Oct 8, 2022) pandas, datetime
- Working with datetimes (Jul 26, 2022) cheatsheet, pandas
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- Add traffic analytics to your quarto blog (Nov 9, 2022) quarto
- Coupling Python and Observable using ojs_define() (Jul 30, 2022) quarto
- Fix the `quarto publish gh-pages` error on windows (Aug 8, 2022) quarto, git
- Quarto how-to (Jul 29, 2022) cheatsheet
- Various resources about quarto (Aug 1, 2022) quarto
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- Doing things with conda environments (Oct 8, 2022) python, conda
- Poetry tips and tricks (Aug 18, 2022) cheatsheet, poetry
- Style a list element to look like a table (Aug 5, 2022) css
- Useful git stuff (Jul 26, 2022) cheatsheet, git
- Writing EJS templates (Aug 5, 2022) ejs, quarto, javascript
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