Create small-multiples charts from scratch in Matplotlib


Teresa Kubacka


November 7, 2022

In this tutorial:

  • how to loop over axes and data
  • how to display axis labels only in some axes
  • how to store styles in dictionaries
  • how to adjust tick frequency
  • how to create a custom legend
  • how to pass properties inside a charting function

Small multiples is an extremely helpful technique in data visualization. See below how a small multiples chart can be done using seaborn’s relplot. How could we make such a chart from scratch in MPL, adjusted to our needs?

import seaborn as sns

flights = sns.load_dataset("flights")

# Plot each year's time series in its own facet
g = sns.relplot(
    x="month", y="passengers", col="year", hue="year",
    kind="line", palette="crest", linewidth=4, zorder=5,
    col_wrap=5, height=2, aspect=1.5, legend=False,

# Iterate over each subplot to customize further
for year, ax in g.axes_dict.items():
    # Plot every year's time series in the background
        data=flights, x="month", y="passengers", units="year",
        estimator=None, color=".7", linewidth=1, ax=ax,


Step 1: read and pre-transform the data

Let’s read in dummy data and preprocess the datetimes, so that we can easily plot:

from seaborn import load_dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np

df = load_dataset('flights')
df['m'] = df['month'] x: x+1)
df = df.sort_values(by=['year','m'])

Step 2: create a small-multiples skeleton

We want to create a small multiples chart, one chart per year.

Let’s start from defining the rows and columns in the grid manually. We can use plt.subplots() and then iterate over the axes and the sub-dataframe for each axes. For this, we’re going to zip the axes and the keys used to sub-sample the dataframe.

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=5, nrows=3, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for chosen, ax in zip(df['year'].unique(), axes.ravel()): 
    tmp_df = df[df['year']==chosen]
    ax.plot(tmp_df['m'], tmp_df['passengers'], )

Bummer: zip will stop evaluating the moment the shorter list is exhausted.

However, we can use a zip_longest function from itertools which will iterate until it exhausts the longer list. If we don’t provide a fillvalue to it, it will produce None once the shorter iterable has been exhausted. E.g.

from itertools import zip_longest
for first, second in zip_longest(range(3), range(5)):
    print(first, second)
0 0
1 1
2 2
None 3
None 4

We need to generate more or equal axes than the number of charts we effectively expect (i.e. in our example, the number of available years). Then whenever we get None for the year, we can remove the axis from the figure:

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=5, nrows=3, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df['year'].unique(), axes.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df[df['year']==chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df['m'], tmp_df['passengers'], )
#         ax.axis('off')

Looks good!

Only the last adjustment: until now we have defined the number of charts by hand. Let’s only define the number of columns and let the script handle the relevant number of rows. Also, let’s not hardcode our column name, but rather store it in a variable:

col = 'year'
num_cols = 5

num_rows = (df[col].nunique() // num_cols) + 1

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df[col].unique(), axes.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df[df[col]==chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df['m'], tmp_df['passengers'], )

Step 3: add missing x-labels

Another problem has arisen. Because we are using sharex, sharey, the labels on the bottom line of charts are missing. Let’s find out which charts are on the bottom. We will create a bool table where we define 1 for the charts where we want to see the xlabels:

remaining =  df[col].nunique() % num_cols 

is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1
array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 1., 1.],
       [1., 1., 0., 0., 0.]])

Now I can integrate it in my code by adding it to the zip_longest:

col = 'year'
num_cols = 5

num_charts = df[col].nunique()

num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for chosen, ax, xlab in zip_longest(df[col].unique(), axes.ravel(), is_xlabeled.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df[df[col]==chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df['m'], tmp_df['passengers'], )
        if xlab: 
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

However, I don’t like it for the readability. Also, maybe I don’t want to have this option hardcoded - it will be easier to parametrize it if I add the labels in a second loop. Here I can use a simple zip, because the is_xlabeled and axes have the same shapes.

col = 'year'
num_cols = 5

num_charts = df[col].nunique()

num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df[col].unique(), axes.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df[df[col]==chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df['m'], tmp_df['passengers'], )

for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
    if xlab: 
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

Looks good!

Step 4: add the data in the background

For this, let’s reshape our data. It’s going to be easier if we take advantage of the long-wide conversion and create a pivot table containing our data. Here we don’t need to do any aggregation, but this would be the first step in a data prep pipeline.

df_pivot = df.pivot(index='m', columns=col, values='passengers')
year 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960
1 112 115 145 171 196 204 242 284 315 340 360 417
2 118 126 150 180 196 188 233 277 301 318 342 391
3 132 141 178 193 236 235 267 317 356 362 406 419
4 129 135 163 181 235 227 269 313 348 348 396 461
5 121 125 172 183 229 234 270 318 355 363 420 472
6 135 149 178 218 243 264 315 374 422 435 472 535
7 148 170 199 230 264 302 364 413 465 491 548 622
8 148 170 199 242 272 293 347 405 467 505 559 606
9 136 158 184 209 237 259 312 355 404 404 463 508
10 119 133 162 191 211 229 274 306 347 359 407 461
11 104 114 146 172 180 203 237 271 305 310 362 390
12 118 140 166 194 201 229 278 306 336 337 405 432

Now I can refactor the code: I can use df_pivot for getting my selected curve and for getting the background curves:

col = 'year'
num_cols = 5

num_charts = df[col].nunique()

num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)
df_pivot = df.pivot(index='m', columns=col, values='passengers')

for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df[col].unique(), axes.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df, color='orange', lw=2, zorder=99)
        ax.plot(df_pivot, color='gray', lw=1, alpha=0.5)

for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
    if xlab: 
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

Let’s move the styling outside of the loop where we plotting the dashboard. Maybe in the future we want to try out various colors and build up a legend basing on those colors. Dictionary is great for this:

col = 'year'
num_cols = 5

style_selected = {'color': 'orange', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 99}
style_bg = {'color': 'gray', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 0.5}

num_charts = df[col].nunique()

num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)
df_pivot = df.pivot(index='m', columns=col, values='passengers')

for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df[col].unique(), axes.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df, **style_selected)
        ax.plot(df_pivot, **style_bg)

for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
    if xlab: 
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

Also, let’s not use hardcoded values for x,y values and only use df_pivot from now on.

col = 'year'
x_col = 'm'
y_col = 'passengers'
num_cols = 5

style_selected = {'color': 'orange', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 99}
style_bg = {'color': 'gray', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 0.5}

df_pivot = df.pivot(index=x_col, columns=col, values=y_col)

num_charts = len(df_pivot.columns)
num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df_pivot.columns, axes.ravel()): 
    if chosen is not None:
        tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
        ax.plot(tmp_df, **style_selected)
        ax.plot(df_pivot, **style_bg)

for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
    if xlab: 
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

Now it looks like we have separated the data and plotting parts. We can wrap our code in a function. We define default styles inside the function, and return f and axes objects for easy modification further on.

def small_multiples(df, col, x_col, y_col, num_cols, 
                    style_selected = None, style_bg = None):
    if style_selected is None: 
        style_selected = {'color': 'orange', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 99}
    if style_bg is None:
        style_bg = {'color': 'gray', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 0.5}

    df_pivot = df.pivot(index=x_col, columns=col, values=y_col)

    num_charts = len(df_pivot.columns)
    num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
    remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

    is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
    is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
    is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

    f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, sharex=True, sharey=True)

    for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df_pivot.columns, axes.ravel()): 
        if chosen is not None:
            tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
            ax.plot(tmp_df, **style_selected)
            ax.plot(df_pivot, **style_bg)

    for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
        if xlab: 
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

    return f, axes

With such a structure, we can easily modify the look and feel of our small-multiples dashboard:

f, axes = small_multiples(df=df, col='year', x_col='m', y_col='passengers', 
                          style_selected={'color':'limegreen', 'lw':3},)

f.suptitle('Flights over the years')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Flights over the years')

However, there is something we are missing. We cannot easily scale the size of the dashboard. For this, let’s declare another variable dashboard_props, which we will pass to plt.subplots():

def small_multiples(df, col, x_col, y_col, num_cols, 
                    style_selected = None, style_bg = None, 
                    dashboard_props = None):
    if style_selected is None: 
        style_selected = {'color': 'orange', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 99}
    if style_bg is None:
        style_bg = {'color': 'gray', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 0.5}
    if dashboard_props is None:
        dashboard_props = {}
    df_pivot = df.pivot(index=x_col, columns=col, values=y_col)

    num_charts = len(df_pivot.columns)
    num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
    remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

    is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
    is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
    is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

    f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, 
                           sharex=True, sharey=True, 

    for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df_pivot.columns, axes.ravel()): 
        if chosen is not None:
            tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
            ax.plot(tmp_df, **style_selected)
            ax.plot(df_pivot, **style_bg)

    for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
        if xlab: 
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

    return f, axes

Now we can also make x-ticks a bit more human-friendly. With the current structure, it is easy to do without having to modify the base function:

f, axes = small_multiples(df=df, col='year', x_col='month', y_col='passengers', 
                          style_selected={'color':'limegreen', 'lw':3},
                         dashboard_props={'figsize': (10,5)})

f.suptitle('Flights over the years')

from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
[ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(3)) for ax in axes.ravel()];

Step 5: legend and annotations

Let’s add annotations: at this point there is no information about the actual year!

def small_multiples(df, col, x_col, y_col, num_cols, 
                    style_selected = None, style_bg = None, 
                    dashboard_props = None, text_props = None):
    if style_selected is None: 
        style_selected = {'color': 'orange', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 99}
    if style_bg is None:
        style_bg = {'color': 'gray', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 0.5}
    if dashboard_props is None:
        dashboard_props = {}
    default_text_props = {'x': 0.95, 'y': 0.95}
    if text_props is None: 
        text_props = {}
    if 'x' not in text_props.keys(): 
        text_props['x'] = default_text_props['x']
    if 'y' not in text_props.keys(): 
        text_props['y'] = default_text_props['y']
    df_pivot = df.pivot(index=x_col, columns=col, values=y_col)

    num_charts = len(df_pivot.columns)
    num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
    remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

    is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
    is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
    is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

    f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, 
                           sharex=True, sharey=True, 

    for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df_pivot.columns, axes.ravel()): 
        if chosen is not None:
            tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
            ax.plot(tmp_df, **style_selected)
            ax.plot(df_pivot, **style_bg)
                va='top', ha='right', zorder=1, 

    for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
        if xlab: 
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)

    return f, axes
f, axes = small_multiples(df=df, col='year', x_col='month', y_col='passengers', 
                          style_selected={'color':'limegreen', 'lw':3},
                         dashboard_props={'figsize': (10,5)}, text_props={'size':8})

f.suptitle('Flights over the years')

from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
[ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(3)) for ax in axes.ravel()];

And let’s add a legend:

def small_multiples(df, col, x_col, y_col, num_cols, 
                    style_selected = None, style_bg = None, 
                    dashboard_props = None, text_props = None):
    if style_selected is None: 
        style_selected = {'color': 'orange', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 99}
    if style_bg is None:
        style_bg = {'color': 'gray', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 0.5}
    if dashboard_props is None:
        dashboard_props = {}
    default_text_props = {'x': 0.95, 'y': 0.95}
    if text_props is None: 
        text_props = {}
    if 'x' not in text_props.keys(): 
        text_props['x'] = default_text_props['x']
    if 'y' not in text_props.keys(): 
        text_props['y'] = default_text_props['y']
    df_pivot = df.pivot(index=x_col, columns=col, values=y_col)

    num_charts = len(df_pivot.columns)
    num_rows = (num_charts // num_cols) + 1
    remaining =  num_charts % num_cols 

    is_xlabeled = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
    is_xlabeled[-1][0:remaining] = 1
    is_xlabeled[-2][remaining:] = 1

    f, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_cols, nrows=num_rows, 
                           sharex=True, sharey=True, 

    for chosen, ax in zip_longest(df_pivot.columns, axes.ravel()): 
        if chosen is not None:
            tmp_df = df_pivot[chosen]
            ax.plot(tmp_df, **style_selected)
            ax.plot(df_pivot, **style_bg)
                va='top', ha='right', zorder=1, 

    for xlab, ax in zip(is_xlabeled.ravel(), axes.ravel()): 
        if xlab: 
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelbottom=True)
    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
    labels = ['selected year', 'other years']
    handles = [Line2D([0], [0], **style_selected), Line2D([0], [0], **style_bg)]
        .legend(labels=labels, handles=handles,
              bbox_to_anchor=[1.25,0.5], loc='center left', 
              edgecolor='white', facecolor='white',
              borderpad=0, borderaxespad=0)
    return f, axes
f, axes = small_multiples(df=df, col='year', x_col='month', y_col='passengers', 
                          style_selected={'color':'limegreen', 'lw':3},
                         dashboard_props={'figsize': (10,5)}, text_props={'size':8})

f.suptitle('Flights over the years')

from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
[ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(3)) for ax in axes.ravel()];